Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Married Life

I am finally updating my blog.. and WOW do I have a lot to update! First off, I married the most amazing, caring, supportive, and gorgeous man I know. We were married on October 19th, 2011 and it couldn't have been a more beautiful day. Everything went perfect and I couldn't keep a smile off my face knowing I had just been married for eternity to Reagan. I was so overwhelmed with the love and support of our family and friends. I could not believe how many people came to support us and share that special day with us. It was amazing to see how many people emediately loved and accepted me because they love Reagan. I also got the best in-laws ever! I don't care how amazing you think your in-laws are.. mine are better :) Reagan and I always joke that I actually married him for his mom and his family! I am so thankful for my bridesmaids and everyone that put so much time and money into making that day so amazing! It truly was happily ever after!

I couldn't imagine life getting any better.. until we stepped off the plane that had just landed in Maui, Hawaii! I have always wanted to go to Hawaii and finally I was getting my chance. And boy was it everything I had ever imagined. Once we got off the plane we were emmediately met with beautiful lae's that his parents had set up for us. They smelt so amazing I didn't take mine off all night. We spent an amazing 9 days snorkeling, canoeing, swimming, paddle boarding, and touring the island. It was truly paradise and Reagan practically had to drag me to the airport when it was time to go. It was the best honeymoon anyone could have asked for. Every once in a while when one of us is having a bad day we will say "Lets just go back to Hawaii". Needless to say, we LOVE Hawaii!

We are now back to reality and just living the married life. October was such a fun time to get married, because now all the fun holidays are here and we can celebrate them together. Thanksgiving was wonderful and we decided to spend this year with his family. We are still getting use to having to switch off families for different events, but for the most part we do really well. Christmas time has been so much fun setting up our christmas tree, buying eachother presents, and our annual bear lake trip with our friends. I cannot wait for Reagan to open his presents on Christmas morning! It is going to be so fun having it be just us :) I am loving married life so far, and although we are still in the "honeymoon" stage, I know it will just keep getting better and better from here. We are both learning how to depend on eachother and although we are not perfect, we are working on it! Reagan is finding little things about me (like how much my hair falls out all over the bathroom.. gross!) and I am finding little things about him (like how picky of an eater he is!), but we are growing together and it is so amazing. We are both so happy to spend the rest of forever trying to figure the other person out.

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